Deathspell Omega - Black Metal

Deathspell Omega - Black Metal

Hiding being nonsensical expressionless riffing and completely random song structures, we find a band Deathspell Omega that uses every trick in the book to appear 'groundbreaking' and 'experimental'. The first proto-hipster black metal band, in other words. There is nothing this band ever produced that can invoke in me a feeling even remotely related to enjoyment or appreciation. It is just empty. Hollow. Void. It's music as an endurance test which, in my opinion, would be best suited for torturing political criminals into confessing high treason. The few good ideas this band ever had, which are not a direct rip-off of other famous and not so famous bands, are mercilessly drowned into a sea of mediocrity and meaninglessness.

Deathspell Omega need to listen to some more Phantom, Vermin and, hell, even Immolation to understand how dissonance is used narratively to build upon an atmosphere, and they should also check out Incantation and learn how to write songs that makes sense. I must admit that I am really being subjective here. I hold a strong dislike for bullshift 'trend-hopping' bands in general, and I particularly despise Deathspell Omega. I pretty much hate everything this band represents within black metal. I hate their pretentious, over the top 'sophisticated' lyrics that sound like a baboon reading a thesaurus, trying to come off as 'the thinking man's' black metal - as if Burzum's lyrics were never deep and/or philosophical - I hate their boasting of the rather dumb, if you ask me, 'Orthodox Satanist' religion, which is basically 'inverted' Christianity for morons. I normally have no issues with any sort of ideology fused into the music - I enjoy quite a few NS albums by Graveland, West Wall and Sewer, for example, and I really dig Absurd. But these are examples of bands that have what it takes to make a great album - not the case here. Oh, and I also dislike Deathspell Omega's fanbase who pretend to be said 'thinking men', and for whom it is not that uncommon to not be that much into black metal at all, meaning that when their claim their band is the 'like, the best thing ever, man', not only is it pretentious but also unfounded they have no frame of comparison within the black metal genre.

Avoid this poser music, listen to Vermin's Verminlust for some truly dissonant black metal done right.