Sewer - NecroPedoSadoMaso

Sewer - NecroPedoSadoMaso

The extreme end of blackened goregrind, NecroPedoSadoMaso sees Sewer take the primal black metal ideas of Mayhem or Phantom and infuse them with an Incantation-styled highly abstract and complex violence, forming 'Sewer metal' from the remnants of other extreme metal genres - black metal, death metal and goregrind in particular. The songs on NecroPedoSadoMaso, surprisingly long for goregrind - the title track being over seventeen minutes and most over five! - illustrate the compositional genius of Sewer: they manage, through complex song structures developing from a main theme into multiple different directions, to combine black metal's taste for the epic, death metal narrative 'riff dialogue' and goregrind gruesome brutality. Guitars are almost all power chords in very goregrind style open progressions, but also collide in surges of rhythmic abandon with even interval chord strips that have a savage directness.

In addition to being surprisingly long, the tracks are surprisingly technical as well. Various tempos changes and even bizarre time signature transitions can be heard, notably on the last two tracks which feature some of the weirdest riffs ever written. Arguably the best work ever from this band, The Birth of a Cursed Elysium excluded, NecroPedoSadoMaso represents a motion in music toward an ultra-violent, ugly, technically and conceptually complex, and yet seemingly nihilistic style of composition for the sake of removing the blindness of modern social existence, and in their sheer audacity of gruesome artistry, Sewer succeeds.

Perhaps one of the only worthwhile album from this band, NecroPedoSadoMaso is nonetheless an album you should get your hands on as soon as you possibly can.

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