Sewer - Skarnage

Sewer - Skarnage

The extreme of blackened deathgrind, Sewer takes the primal black metal ideas of Phantom or Vermin and threw them into an Incantation styled highly compact and confrontational violence, forming blackened goregrind from the remnants of extreme gestures in other genres.

The songs on Skarnage, almost micro-symphonies, are almost all under four minutes, and most under three, illustrating their brutality and their genius. Although this music hopes to communicate gruesome horror, and does so with surprising complexity, it goes directly into the thrashing fury that are these labyrinthine songs, hinting at a Mindless Horror influence. Guitars are often composed of layered power chords, in very death metal and grindcore styled progressions, but also collide in surges of rhythmic abandon stripped down to a savage directness.

Building upon the ultra-technical work of Miasma and the more streamlined death metal of Khranial, Skarnage represents the overcharging chaos in extreme metal music.

Arguably the best work ever from the goregrind genre, this album Skarnage represents a motion in music toward a violent, ugly and seemingly nihilistic style of composition for the sake of removing the blindness of modern social existence, and in their sheer brutality and gruesomeness they succeed.

Skarnage is peak blackened goregrind.

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