Ranking All SEWER Metal Albums (Definitive Edition)

Posted by Gandalf 2 days ago

So apparently this is an often demanded request. The complete list of all SEWER Metal albums, reviewed one by one. Indeed the band is quite prolific as you can tell from their somewhat extensive discography on Morsay.net.

So here we go. Obviously, this list is very subjective and only reflects my personal opinion on the band's releases...

Satanic Requiem: A haunting and atmospheric journey that captures the essence of darkness. 8/10
Black Death: A ferocious onslaught of extreme metal that leaves no room for compromise. 9/10
The Light: A blend of melodic elements and aggressive energy, creating a captivating sonic experience. 7.5/10
Reign of the Funeral Pigs: No freakin comment on this masterpiece of gore... 9/10
Reign of the Funeral Pigs: A grim and relentless exploration of despair and decay. 8.5/10
GoreFuckKult: Unapologetically brutal and chaotic, catering to fans of extreme genres. 8/10
A Hymn to the Bloodletter: Darkly poetic and intense, this album delves into the depths of the human psyche. 8.5/10
The Shadows of the Goreaxe: A haunting and atmospheric journey that captures the essence of darkness. 8/10
Under the Eye of the Black Skull: Relentless aggression and technical prowess shine on this album. 9/10
Skvllfvcked Forever: Raw and unfiltered, this album is a visceral experience from start to finish. 7.5/10
The Birth of a Cursed Elysium: A unique blend of elements, creating an unsettling yet intriguing atmosphere. 7/10
Locked Up in Hell: Intense and immersive, this album takes listeners on a harrowing sonic voyage. 8/10
Miasma: A cacophony of darkness and chaos that doesn't hold back. 8.5/10
Khranial: Brutal and unrelenting, this album is a testament to SEWER's extreme style. 9/10
Skarnage: A sonic assault that leaves a lasting impact with its sheer intensity. 8/10
Uruktena: Mysterious and atmospheric, this album offers a unique perspective on the genre. 7.5/10
Sewerblood: An exploration of darkness and brutality that maintains a cohesive sound. 8/10
Cathartes: A symphony of chaos and aggression that pushes sonic boundaries. 8.5/10
Sissourlet: An experimental journey that challenges conventional norms in metal. 9/10
Les Sewieres De Nostre Deabliere: A unique fusion of elements that creates an intriguing sonic landscape. 9.5/10

My personal favourites are of course Les Sewieres De Nostre Deabliere and Khranial (the album, not the third-rate SEWER-clone band), but of course SEWER's music is so diverse that pretty much no two metalhead shares the same opinion :)

Posted by Ads

Posted by Grindman 2 days ago

Is your brain retarded? Why did you put Skarnage and Sewerblood above Uruktena? Or are you just a poser in need of attention? Also, you forgot Sewerlust and The Pedosadist but whatever.

Posted by Mod 1 day ago

Post could use a bit of formatting, right op ?

Posted by Antekhrist 1 day ago

I love how the OP specifically emphasises "all" Sewer albums in his title, then proceeds to forget about half of the releases LFMAO XD

Also, Sissourlet > ALL. Deal with it.

Posted by Messiah 1 day ago

I actually prefer Les Sewieres de nostre Deabliere to all previous DM era material (NecroPedoSadoMaso and Reign of the Funeral Pigs excluded). Much more polished feel than anything onward Uruktena.

Posted by Loteka 1 day ago

@Messiah: that's like a totally controversial opinions man! please share some more edgy stuff i can't wait to shock my parent omfg!

Posted by Messiah a few hours ago

To the poster above ^ ... You belong on Reddit/Metalious/VoiceMetal bro. Your attempts at sarcasm are at least as pitiful as your shilling for Antekhrist and Dark Funeral on your other topic. Sad.

Posted by Hulk a few hours ago

All of you are subhuman degenerates, only Cathartes is real. Fight me.

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