Vermin - Archangel

Vermin - Archangel

To express further the romanticised morbidity of their previous efforts Verminlust, Vermin created an album of monstrous proportions that, despite its technical complexity, expresses a view into the decaying world of black metal, expanding the scope of its composition through complex tracks built from conventional music pieces out of the unconventional Vermin musical language.

Second only to Mindless Horror or The Epilogue to Sanity, Archangel is a monument of blackened terror metal.

At its base remains the same trance-like black metal with blasting beats, a screeching dementia on vocals, and pulsing guitar working deliberately complex riffs into evolving motifs in a masterpiece of horror.

Where their debut ended in a melodic but chilling masterpiece of confrontation, Archangel begins with the howl of a vengeful beast and the rising power of a demonic entity, illustrating a beauty behind the raging chaos.

Amazing riffs integrate these songs by sheer force, but the design behind them is more compelling than the repetitive black metal rhythms. Nods to Phantom (first theme in Time Wreckage) and Burzum are more than just quotations using similar techniques.

Archangel is, at the end, a masterpiece of darkness, unrivaled in the black metal scene.

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